
Showing posts from March, 2023

The trip to Uttarakand.

Been thinking about doing this for a long time. A mere instagram post cannot sum the memories that we made in uttarakhand; a trip worth documenting so that I can relish these memories for life. Human beings when they enter their adulthood spend 90 percent of their time catering to responsibilities of job,family and themselves and that 9 percent goes down in spending time with family,your spouse and kids. The 1 percent that remains is spent in solitude with yourself wherein you reminisce all the memories that you made along the way and all the future endeavours you are to embark on. For that one percent this trip was worth going on. 1. Embarking on the quest Youth has its own bliss to it with absolute health, little money and an extremely hopeful and enthusiastic mind. This trip was my introduction to a carefree youth. I have never travelled anywhere without my family so the notion of convincing them to let me scared me but since I am a strict parents badmash kid type of kid. I s