My Back and I


Petition to remove these kids why aren't they playing :((

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs 

And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.


-William henry Davies

 I injured my back at the gym a few days ago during an exercise (apparently it was reverse pec fly and I was admiring the beauty of my bottom  in the side glass when my back went "kad kad kad chatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt and I went mummmyyyyy!!!!!)so much so that I didn't get out of bed for the entire night and couldn't sleep due to the excruciating agony. I scrolled through memes the entire night and  when I was done with that, I acquired a 5 rupee coin from 2003. I began to appreciate its design, particularly the grains on the heads, the cylindrical circumference lines and dots, and also  a little Kumkum struck in between. The pain was so intense that it was dominating the painkiller's impact, so I didn't know what to do; as the night progressed further;Because "pain kills pains" and I am retarded, I did a bed bounded back flip. This back flip's aftereffects were traumatic. The next morning, I went to see my favorite doctor .Dr. Usha,  a lovely lady (love her energy). She prescribed a few pills and injected painkillers into the same bottom that got me into trouble.

Thankfully, working out has become a habit that I can't seem to break. As a result, I was quite bummed when I had to skip it for a few days.   So as an alternative I took a walk. Sometimes all you have to do is go back to "dj walo gaano chala de shadi ko" instead of "believer" and take a walk in a park full of old people's smells while lightly competing against gorgeous women in a fast walking championship, making sure you always stay behind. There's nothing more enjoyable than seeing people triumph in pointless competitions (why do I sound so middle-aged?). Watch dogs humping each other and wonder why they have so much freedom when you don't and  also  reckon about whether birds fart or do they understand the pain of many middle-aged men and women suffering from gastronomical ailments on whom they casually shit on and pass by. Stretch not only your body, but also your mind, which begs you to pursue the little things you're losing out on because you're focusing on the meaningless rapid reps instead. 

Have you ever wondered why, when we are able to complete a task, we procrastinate, but when we are unable to complete the task for whatever reason, we get more driven to complete the task?   Also I pondered on a very alluring dialogue by Radhika Apte she said "you cannot hurt the people you don't love, intentionally you don't. you can only hurt the people you love." ahaaaaaa my brain. I plugged my earphones and played one of my favorite songs (Pyaar naikhe likhal haath ke lakeer mein) and swung the swing for half and hour while my hair touched the ground and my face faced the sky (this is  the most beautiful feeling ngl).

This blog is a collection of random thoughts, a window into my mind. I've often questioned why I cook my eggs in ghee and only ghee, and why I dislike people who cook using saffola oil instead of ghee. Ghee is both healthy and delicious, and it is also the main reason why I am unable to lose weight. Maybe it's because I'm a yadav, but there's something divine about ghee. It's heredity that yadav people adore ghee, dudh, dahi, and malai. I can't picture my life without it. 

Why have we stopped spending time with ourselves, to put it another way? For real sachi mein maa kasam, it feels good. It's so strange how we live in a paradoxical universe because life is both simple and complex at the same time. Let me also drop a truth bomb: there is occasionally an easy way out, but we choose pain for the pleasure of it, and that's fine. It's just that we need to take a break and sit back to get perspective. My back messes up every time I overdo anything at work (emotion, love, overeating, essentially anything), and this is a recurring event, reminding me to relax and take a break, as well as the fact that I may have vitamin D deficiency or underlying spondylitis symptoms. I absolutely love how life is so unpredictable. Also heres a video of me on a swing secretly filmed by my mother while everyone in my family waited for  food. I used the voice of Alicia keys to elucidate the things I am feeling right now. Enjoy babuwa log. And if you made it till here a big Big I love you from my side. muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Peace out amigos.


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